Per celebrare il 40° anniversario del gdr fantasy svedese Drakar och Demoner la Free League Publishing ha annunciato Dragonbane RPG (in inglese e svedese), un'edizione reinventata a metà tra il vecchio osr svedese e il moderno game design dei giochi Free League. Il sistema di gioco dovrebbe essere abbastanza veloce (loro lo definiscono Mirth and Mayhem) e prestarsi ottimamente sia alle campagne lunghe che alle one shot.
Insomma: fantasy, caciara, distruzione e sfide brutali per tutti i gusti e a de gustibus.
Tra gli autori si segnalano Tomas Härenstam alla lead design (Alien RPG, Mutant: Year Zero e l'imminente Blade Runner RPG), Niklas Natt och Dag specializzato in historical fiction, e Johan Egerkrans, già noto per le illustrazioni di Vaesen Nordic Horror Roleplaying e espansione.
La campagna su Kickstarter inizia il 30 agosto.

Now, we celebrate its 40th anniversary with a brand new and reimagined edition, with one foot firmly planted in the heritage of decades of Swedish gaming and the other in the modern and innovative game design for which Free League is known worldwide.
Although a toolbox allowing you to tell fantasy stories of all kinds, Drakar och Demoner / Dragonbane is a game with room for laughs at the table and even a pinch of sillyness at times – while at the same time offering brutal challenges for your adventurers.
We call this playstyle “mirth and mayhem roleplaying” – great for long campaigns but also perfect for a one-shot if you just want to have some quick fun at the table for a night. The core set will include at least one complete adventure and we hope to unlock many more as stretch goals, offering a complete campaign to play even in the core game set